Garbage Disposals

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We make garbage disposal repair in Jacksonville look easy!


Garbage disposal repair is not as easy and simple as it appears and it is not something everyone can always easily do by themselves. Usually, unless you have successfully handled the situation multiple times before, it would be best to leave it to garbage disposal repair EXPERTS…such as Ace!

Repairing your garbage disposal usually requires both electrical AND plumbing know-how. If you happen to possess both these skills, then you can most probably be able to handle the problem yourself. However, if you have no idea whatsoever about garbage disposal repair, then seeking help from a professional company such as Ace Air Conditioning and Appliance Repair is your best bet! We can have your garbage disposal working again in no time at all.

Is your leaking garbage disposal wreaking havoc in your kitchen?  Leaks are typically caused by loose screws and/or damaged gaskets around the sink, drain or motor. But don’t worry, because Ace Air Conditioning and Appliance Repair  can get your garbage disposal repaired for you in no time… or even install a brand new on if needed! In most cases all that is required is a tightening of these screws, replacing gaskets, or applying a sealant. No matter the case, simply let Ace get the job done for you! We are the garbage disposal repair experts Jacksonville can count on!

Ace Air Conditioning and Appliance brings you the positives of a large company, with the family owned friendliness of the small Jacksonville appliance repair company that we are!

29+ Years of Experience


All services performed by State registered, highly trained technicians
Parts and labor guaranteed!
All brands of air conditioning equipment repaired & serviced
Fully licensed and insured
Installation and service of efficient AC equipment
Trusted in Jacksonville since 1997
All techs and installers are highly trained, and registered with the state of Florida.
We deliver quality services at price that can’t be matched by other Jacksonville companies
Preventive maintenance
We strive for 100% customer satisfaction
We do not consider a job completed until a customer is completely satisfied!


Ace Air Conditioning and Appliance provides air conditioning installation, repairs, sales, service and appliance services to the greater Jacksonville, FL area. To find out if we service your area, please contact us today at (904) 646-3676

Maintenance deal for HVAC inspection for $69